Celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the Signing of the Bush Declaration!
March 22, 1775 - March 22, 2025
Please join us for a weekend of celebration in Bel Air, MD to celebrate and remember the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Bush Declaration.
Descendants of the Signers - Meet & Greet
Friday, March 21, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Liriodendron Mansion, 502 W. Gordon St., Bel Air
Enjoy the company of other descendants and view the actual document on display! Enjoy cocktails, live music, and hors d’oeuvres popular in Colonial times. Meet Joyce White, author of “Cooking Maryland's Way,” highlighting the cuisine of 1775.
Descendants of the signers will also be able to gather in small groups and add their signatures to pages dedicated to each signer.
Tickets $55 per person. For more information and to reserve tickets go to www.harfordhistory.org/bush-declaration
The Bush Declaration Celebration
Saturday, March 22, 9:30 - 11:00 AM. Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main St. Bel Air
Experience a dramatic reading of the Bush Declaration by an actor portraying the first signer, Col. Aquila Hall. Learn about the document’s historical significance; enjoy patriotic musical selections.
Passport to History - Site Visits
Saturday March 22, 2025 - 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM and
Sunday March 23, 2025 - 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Pick up your passport at the Historical Society of Harford County or any Harford library branch and visit selected local sites connected to the Bush Declaration. Learn from docents at each location and earn a stamp. Collect at least four stamps to earn a certificate and Junior Historian badge!
Historic Sites including:
Historical Society - View the actual Bush Declaration
St. George's Episcopal Church - Founded in 1671; The oldest Episcopal Parish in Maryland
Churchville Presbyterian Church - Founded in 1738; Learn about the church and the significance of Lower Cross Roads
Sophia's Diary - Beautiful Georgian home built in 1768 by Aquila Hall and his wife.
Edgeley Grove - Built by Bush Signer Samuel Calwell in 1780.
Hays House - Militia groups are preparing to defend their home and property. Join them in a Militia Encampment as they train for possible war!
Bush Hotel - Visit the last remaining building in the town of Bush and learn more about the town.
Broom's Bloom - This house dates from 1747. Learn about Isaac Webster and other men who did not sign the Declaration.
Please note: There are no bathroom facilities at these sites. Please look for public facilities nearby before entering.
These historic sites are only open to the public when docents are present on March 22-23. Private residences are not open at other times. Businesses, the Historical Society, the Hays House, church properties, and parks are only open during their published hours. Information on their connection to the Bush Declaration may not be available at these locations outside the celebration weekend.
Hereditary Order of the Signers of the Bush Declaration Annual Dinner
Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Annual Dinner
Hereditary Order of the Signers of the Bush Declaration promises that this will be a great culmination to a full weekend of engaging events. You do not need to be a member of HOSBD to attend.
To make your reservation, download the HOSBD 21st Annual Dinner and Meeting invitation and response form.
Bush Declaration Bulletin
Written by members of the Bush Declaration 250th Anniversary Committee and published by the Historical Society of Harford County, this Bulletin tells the story of the revolutionary fervor in Harford County in 1774-1775 that led to the signing of the Bush Declaration on March 22, 1775. This meticulously researched collection includes the text of the Bush Declaration, biographies of the signers, and the story of the significant role Harford County played in the American Revolution.
The Bulletin will be available for purchase at the Anniversary Celebration in March. It will be available after February 28, 2025, and mailed and digital copies can be pre-ordered at harfordhistory.org/product/bush-declaration-bulletin.

Learn more about our 250th Anniversary celebrations in our newsletter! or email BushDeclaration1775@gmail.com
The Historical Significance of the Bush Declaration
On March 22, 1775, thirty-four men gathered in a small tavern to sign the historic Bush Declaration. In this short text, these unique individuals pledged their lives and fortune to support freedom.
Genealogist General, Henry C. Peden, Jr. describes the historical context of the Bush Declaration in this way:
The Bush Declaration is a document signed by 34 duly elected citizens in Harford County, Maryland on March 22, 1775. At that time the county seat was Harford Town, or Bush (so named for its location in the "bush country" as compared to most colonial towns on the waterfront, that is, Chesapeake Bay). Harford County had been separated from Baltimore County just a year earlier and in the interim there was considerable patriotic fervor against the British and their blockade of Boston (and other problems, like taxation). This committee in Harford County decided to show their support for Boston and their disdain for King George by signing this document "at the risque of their lives and fortunes." It has been characterized as the first Declaration of Independence and was signed just three weeks prior to the Battles of Lexington and Concord which signaled the beginning of the American Revolution.
...to show their support for Boston and their disdain for King George
— Henry C. Peden, Jr., Genealogist General
The following is the language of the Bush Declaration dated March 22, 1775. Quoted from Walter W. Preston's HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY MARYLAND, published in 1901:
"We the Committee of Harford County, having most seriously and maturely considered the Resolves and Association of the Continental Congress, and the Resolves of the Provincial Convention, do most heartily approve of the same, and as we esteem ourselves in a more particular manner, intrusted by our constituents to see them carried into execution, we do most solemnly pledge ourselves to each other, and to our Country, and engage ourselves by every tie held sacred among mankind to perform the same at the risque of our lives and fortunes."
You can download the one page Bush Declaration or view the entire source documents on the Maryland State Archives website.
Interested in becoming a member of the The Hereditary Order Of The Signers Of The Bush Declaration? We encourage all individuals who can prove a blood relationship to a Signer within the second degree of kinship to apply. Get Started!
The Signers
Learn about the Signers of the Bush Declaration
A critical prerequisite to membership in the Hereditary Order of the Signers of the Bush Declaration is proof of a relationship within the second degree of kinship to one of the original signers. To help prospective members identify this kinship, we have detailed here genealogical information arduously researched by current members.
We have also included an interactive learning tool using an image of all thirty-four signers. The mural was done by Marion Butler Ewald in 1934 (nearly 160 years after the signing). It depicts each of the 34 signers as they discussed the merits of the declaration. The mural is currently on display in the Harford County Circuit Courthouse in Bel Air, Maryland.
Note: the interactive elements of the image below is only accurate on larger screens, and will not work correctly on tablets or smart phones.
Note: the interactive elements of the image below is only accurate on larger screens, and will not work correctly on tablets or smart phones.
Note: the interactive elements of the image below is only accurate on larger, desktop screens, and will not work correctly on tablets or smart phones.
Hover over each individual in the mural to see more details.

{{ theName }}
{{ BornDied }}{{ AgeAtSign }}
Genealogical Relationships
Ancestral and Historical Information About Each Signer
The following is an alphabetical list of the signers with their corresponding ancestral record. You can enter the signers last name in the box below to narrow the list, or scroll down the page to view details about all 34 individuals. Please note that ages listed at the time of signing the declaration are approximate.
{{ signer.name | filter:searchkey }}{{ ::signer.borndied }} - Age at Signing: {{ ::signer.ageatsign }}{{ ::signer.desc }}
About Us
To Honor the Bush Declaration Signers
The Hereditary Order of the Signers of the Bush Declaration (HOSBD) is dedicated to honoring the Signers of the Bush Declaration through education about this historical document, and the men who signed it.
In the year 2002 a chapter of the Children of the American Revolution was formed in Harford County, Maryland and named the Bush Declaration Society. It soon became apparent that there was no organization in existence to honor the actual Signers of the Bush Declaration on March 22, 1775. Nearly 229 years after the signing of the Bush Declaration, in March 2004, Christopher T. Smithson and Henry C. Peden, Jr. decided to organize such a society, and recruited J. Andrew Calwell and William P. Smithson, fellow members of the Col. Aquila Hall Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, to work with them on this project.
On June 4, 2004 The Hereditary Order of the Signers of the Bush Declaration was founded.
Recognized by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

The order is genealogical, historical and fraternal in its nature. Its membership endeavors to foster patriotism and to enlarge the knowledge of its membership through:
- The collection of information concerning the Signers of the Bush Declaration.
- The dissemination of such information to the Order’s membership, and eventually to other interested persons and organizations.
- The building of a body of genealogical records showing descent from the Signers of the Bush Declaration, and their ancestors.
- The creation of a spirit of good fellowship and friendship among members through meetings and other means, inherent in these purposes.
Below is a list of the The Hereditary Order of the Signers of the Bush Declaration (HOSBD) officers. Officers are elected at our annual meeting each year.
{{ officer.officerName }}
"The Signer" Newsletter
HOSBD periodically publishes a newsletter for members. This newsletter is meant to inform members about upcoming events, and to continue our overall mission.
Who Can Join?
Those persons, male or female of the age of 18 years or more, who can prove a blood relationship to a Signer within the second degree of kinship.
For a preliminary application and informational materials, please contact:
Christopher T. Smithson
Membership Developement Chair, HOSBD
9502 Perry Hall Blvd., Apt. 104
Baltimore, MD 21236-1388
- Direct descent is self-explanatory. The applicant is lineally (directly) descended from the Signer.
- Collateral descent (or 1st degree of kinship) means the applicant’s ancestor and the Signer have the same parents.
- Consanguine relationship to the 2nd degree of kinship to the signer. Which would imply the applicants ancestor shares one of the four grandparents of the signer.
Contact Us
We Want to Hear From You!
Please contact us for more information about HOSBD or if you are interested in becoming a member.
3818 Belmont Drive
Jarrettsville, MD 21084
Email Us!